Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This Week's Film Review: The Reader

I actually rented this one a week ago. It has just taken that long to come out of the fog of depression from it. At least it wasn't as depressing as Kate Winslet's other film, Revolutionary Road. That one made me relive every painful moment of my marriage and divorce. I saw it a year ago at the theater and I'm still talking to my therapist about it. I can't even think about reviewing it. But I digress, The Reader, not exactly Kate's prettiest work. Why does Hollywood have to make actresses ugly for serious roles? Even WWII German women can be hot as cougars, can't they? Were tweezers rationed back then? I could barely get past the eyebrows. Ralph (pronounced Ray-f, did you know that?) Fiennes, on the other hand, always looks fine indeed. I just have to wonder though how much of that is the English/Irish accent? I can still picture him in the '80's Limited Outback Red look of the English Patient costumes. Now that movie still makes me want to go on Safari in Africa.

Anyway, The Reader, it made me feel sorry for Nazi Concentration Camp guards. Everyone has a story and a reason why they do what they do. This movie taught me not to judge people by their covers, except when they have bushy eyebrows. This is why I chose this photo to display. I'd much rather look at that than Kate Winslet as a homely, illiterate, sex addict. Not to be judgemental of course.

1 comment:

  1. I've held off on seeing this for fear Winslet will make cougarism more attractive than it already is. Interesting to hear they make her a nonsexual entity.
